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"Hansel and Gretel"

AM_Storytelling sketch 1.png

First sketch

AM_Storytelling Project 2.png

Artwork part one

Sketching Process

AM_Storytelling Project.png

Artwork part two

This was the Storytelling project for Digital Illustration class which was two parts. We were assigned to choose a fairy tale and recreate two scenes from it. We were required to mix elements from Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I picked the story of Hansel and Gretel, with the scenes where Hansel lays rocks to remember how to get home, and when they find the Witch's candy house. What I did for both of these scenes was have parts of the background done in illustrator, and the characters and more detailed parts of the backgrounds done in Photoshop.


Media: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

Dimensions: 3700 X 3000 px

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